Online Courses/Distributed Learning

Richmond Secondary School students may choose to complete some courses online. At times, online learning may be necessary to complete some credits or for a unique course or learning opportunity; however, we believe that our students have the best chance for success enrolling in classes at our school, learning and interacting with their peers and our dedicated teachers. Please note the following important information for any Online/Distributed Learning courses taken outside of Richmond Secondary School:
- A student cannot be enrolled in the same course online and at their regular school.
- Online/DL courses are not included in RHS honour roll or scholarship calculations.
- Online/DL courses are not included as part of a student's course load for RHS scholarship eligibility. Similarly, Online/DL courses do not count when determining "full-time" or "partial program" status at RHS. Only 'full-time' RHS students are eligible to participate in our school events and our scholarship program. (i.e. full time Grades 8-9-10 students must enrol in 8 classes at RHS. Full-time Grade 11s must take at least 7 courses at RHS and full time Grade 12s must take at least 6 courses at RHS).
- Online/DL course marks may or may not be noted on the RHS Report Card. As these are not RHS classes, our school does not supervise nor monitor the progress of these courses. Due to the independent and self-paced nature of these courses, students themselves need to ensure they complete a course when expected and that the course appears on the student's transcript (TVR). Questions about courses not showing up on a transcript must be made directly with the online/DL provider.
- Grade 12s, please note - issues may arise when online courses required for graduation or for post-secondary admission are not completed, or are completed after stated deadlines, or are completed, but the majority of the work is submitted after February 1. Students are responsible for completing DL/online courses by the dates set by each individual post-secondary institute.
Please contact your RHS counsellor before you enrol in an DL/Online course - we want to be sure our students fully understand their options.